European nanomedicine technology group to meet on 14-15 Oct4 Oct 2010 The 5th General Assembly & Annual Forum of the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN) will take place at Centro Congressi Fondazione Cariplo in Milan, Italy on 14 and 15 October 2010. The European Science Foundation is also supporting a conference on nanomedicine on 23-8 Oct at Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain [1]. The European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine is an industry-driven initiative set up together with the European Commission. The event is dedicated to the members of ETP Nanomedicine and to the European Nanomedicine Community at large. “Nanomedicine is experiencing substantial and continued interest from the research community as well as from the industrial and societal side. The event will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange current ideas, trends and possibilities with the European key members”, says Bertrand Loubaton, Director at GE Healthcare and chairman of the Technology Platform. This year the ETP will essentially focus on discussing strategic opportunities for the Nanomedicine stakeholders coming from industry, academia, clinics and the public sector. The European Commission (DG RTD) will also be present to discuss the development of the European Nanomedicine policy. A key target of this forum will be to raise awareness for translational research, clinical needs and necessary conditions to make nanomedicine happen in Europe. In particular, this year’s event will focus on the identification of industrial opportunities and needs, on the strategies for adapting regulations, funding schemes and infrastructures, on clinical challenges and on translational strategies of Nanomedicine. The program includes:
For the first time an 'open presentations session' will be offered to the participants to present their latest project designs or technology offers. Further information is available on the ETP Nanomedicine website at: 1. The European Science Foundation and the University of
Barcelona are also hosting a conference on nanomedicine in October |