Cell reprogramming project gets go-ahead in Andalusia
29 June 2009
A favourable report for the development of the first cell
reprogramming project ever in Andalusia has been made by The Spanish
commission for the monitoring and control of the donation and use of
human cells and tissues (Comisión Nacional de Seguimiento y Control de
la Donación y Utilización de Tejidos Humanos), under the Spanish
Ministry of Health.
The Commission has also given the green light to a new research
project with embryonic stem cells, thus there being a total of 16
ongoing projects on this issue in Andalusia, and 5 projects on the use
of own cell line at the Andalusian bank of stem cells.
Moreover, the commission has authorised the extension of scientific
research on stem cells carried out by Pablo Menéndez, to include a new
objective based on the generation of IP stem cells.
The project titled Generación de células madre pluripotentes humanas
utilizando retroelementos LINE-1 (generation of human pluripotent stem
cells using LINE-1 retroelements) is the first scientific research work
on cellular reprogramming to be carried out in Andalusia.
The aim of this study is to obtain reprogrammed cells from
fibroblasts using human endogenous retroelements as reprogramming
vehicles, that is, LINE-1 elements, and their specific application to
Fanconi anaemia therapy.
The five studies from the Andalusian bank that have been authorised
to use these cell lines are:
- Desarrollo de un modelo de leucemia linfoblástica infantil pro-B
con translocación M-11-Af4, basado en el uso de células madre
embrionarias humanas y de cordón umbilical (development of a
childhood M-11-Af4 + pro-B lymphoblastic leukaemia type based on the
use of human embryonic stem cells and umbilical cord);
- Células madre y cáncer: mecanismos celulares y moleculares
responsables de la transformación celular en tumores mesenquimales
pediátricos (leucemias y sarcomas) (stem cells and cancer: cellular
and molecular mechanisms responsible for the transformation of cells
into pedriatic mesenchymal tumors- leukemias and sarcomas);
- Optimización de condiciones de cultivo sin 'feeders' para líneas
de células madre embrionarias humanas (Cmeh) importadas o derivadas
a partir de embriones donados en fase de reimplantación:
diferenciación de cmeh hacia línea hematopoyética (optimization of
culture conditions without feeders for human embryonic stem cell
lines (hESCL) either imported or derived from donated embryos on a
reimplantation phase: differentiation of hESCL towards hematopoietic
- Actividad de retroelemento LINE-1 en células stem somáticas:
impacto y mosaicismo genómico (LINE-1 retroelement activity in
somatic stem cells: genomic impact and mosaicim); and
- Estudio de la estabilidad genética y molecular mediante
tecnología de alta resolución (SKY y SNPs) de células madre
embrionarias humanas (CEMH): Desarrollo de CMEH con alteraciones
moleculares de herramientas sin precedentes en terapia celular y en
modelos (study of genetic and molecular stability using high
resolution technology (SKY and SNPs) in human embryonic stem cells (hESC):
development of hESC of tools with unprecedented molecular
alterations in cellular therapy and in models) .
Embryonic stem cells
The aim of the new embryonic stem cell project authorised by the
Spanish commission above, titled Cultivo, diferenciación, selección y
caracterización de células diferenciadas a partir de células troncales
embrionarias humanas derivadas de preembriones afectos de enfermedades
genética obtenidos tras un Diagnóstico Genético Preimplantatorio
(culture, differentiation, selection and characterisation of
differentiated cells using human embryonic cells from pre-embryos with
genetic diseases obtained after a Genetic Ple-implantating Diagnosis) is
to culture this type of cells so as to carry out in vitro studies on the
cellular mechanisms involved in pathologies such as haemophilia A,
myothonic dystrophy, Huntington's Chorea, and spinal muscular atrophy,
among others. The leading researcher of this project is Guillermo
In addition to this, the Spanish commission for the monitoring and
control of the donation and use of human cells and tissues has made a
favourable report for adding a new objective to the project 'Desarrollo
de un modelo de leucemia linfoblástica infantil pro-B con translocación
M-11-Af4 basado en el uso de células madre embrionarias humanas y de
cordón umbilical'.
The initial aim of this research work, led by the director of the
Andalusian bank of stem cells, Pablo Menéndez, was to study in depth
childhood pro-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, by searching for the
pre-natal basis that cause this disease.
The new authorised objective is the generation of IPS cells from
blasts taken from children suffering from MLL-Af4+ pro-B ALL leukaemia.
This study line consists of obtaining reprogrammed cells from patients
by introducing reprogrammed genes in somatic cells, this way an in vitro
model of the disease is obtained so as to make its research easier.
Therefore this is a study that involves cellular reprogramming.
IP cells are adult cells that, by using cellular reprogramming
techniques, reactivate their original capabilities so as to distinguish
them in any type of tissue. Therefore, they are adult cells whose memory
is deleted so that they can be used with all their potentialities.
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