Liver cells in silicon crystals screen drugs for toxicity
20 June 2006 Researchers at the University of California, San Diego
have developed what they call a “Smart Petri Dish” that could be used to
rapidly screen new drugs for toxic interactions or identify cells in the
early stages of cancer circulating through a patient’s blood.
Light scattering
off liver cells on photonic crystal allows scientists to determine
small changes in shapes of cells. Image: Michael Schwartz, UCSD |
Their invention, described in the June 20 issue of Langmuir, a physical
chemistry journal published by the American Chemical Society, uses visible
light scattered off porous silicon crystals filled with polystyrene to
detect subtle changes in the sizes and shapes of the cells. The liver cells
are grown on the polystyrene. “One of the big concerns with any potential
new drug is its toxicity,” says Michael Sailor, a professor of chemistry at
biochemistry at UCSD who headed the research team. “Since the liver is the
organ that cleans up the blood, liver cells are particularly susceptible
when a toxin is introduced to the body. Pharmaceutical companies want to
know early on the effect a drug has on the liver. But it’s very expensive to
screen every potential candidate on living animals, typically rats. So if
you can use just a few cells from the liver rather than the entire animal,
you can perform many more thorough tests.” “You could also in principle
use this to identify metastatic cancer cells circulating in a patient's
blood,” Sailor adds, “by putting blood samples from a patient onto the
crystal and comparing them to normal blood samples.” In addition, says
Michael Schwartz, a postdoctoral scholar in Sailor's laboratory and the
first author of the paper: “The potential of our technique for fundamental
studies of cell toxicity is exciting, Since we can monitor cells in real
time without removing them from their natural environment, the observed
changes provide a time course for performing more detailed tests to find out
why drugs are toxic.” The scientists constructed their Smart Petri Dish by
first fabricating silicon crystals with nanometer-sized holes. This enabled
them to produce a photonic crystal, capable of controlling light within the
structure analogous to the way that semiconductors transmit electricity
through computer chips. By attaching rat liver cells to the polystyrene
within the crystals and measuring the scattering of light with a sensitive
spectrometer, they were able to detect small changes in the shapes of the
cells as they reacted to toxic doses of cadmium chloride and acetaminophen.
“As these cells shrivel up in response to a toxin, they scatter light
better, much like fog on a car windshield, allowing us to quickly detect
which drugs may have adverse side effects when taken in combination with
another,” says Sailor. “You’re not supposed to drink alcohol when taking
acetaminophen, because the combination of the two is much more toxic to your
liver than either drug individually. This is known as an adverse drug-drug
interaction and it is very expensive and time-consuming to screen a new drug
candidate with all the possible combinations of drugs that a patient may be
taking. The Smart Petri Dish allows us to perform a large number of such
toxicity assays simultaneously, in order to provide an early indication of
the particular physiological or pharmacological conditions that need more
in-depth study.” “Although we performed these experiments on rat cells,
this technology can be easily extended to human cells,” says Sangeeta
Bhatia, a professor of bioengineering at UCSD now at MIT, who also
participated in the study. “This is important because we know that the
enzymes that metabolize drugs—the P450 family—are very different in animal
and humans. This is one of the reasons many drugs clear animal testing but
end up toxic in patients. This type of sensor could help us predict human
liver responses without patient exposure.” “Because the Smart Petri Dish
gives a continuous readout of cell damage,” she adds, “this type of sensor
could also be very useful for understanding more about the way environmental
toxicants such as water contaminants or viruses like hepatitis cause
long-term liver damage.” Others involved in the development include Sara
Alvarez, a graduate student in Sailor’s laboratory, and Austin Derfus, a
graduate student of engineering in Bhatia’s former UCSD laboratory. UCSD has
filed several patent applications on the device, which is now in the process
of being commercialized by the Hitachi Chemical Research Center in Irvine,
Ca. The design of the new device builds on a previous development in the
UCSD laboratories of Sailor and Bhatia that allowed the scientists to
maintain fully functioning liver cells in culture. While many cell types can
be easily grown in culture dishes, normal liver cells are much more
discriminating and quickly die when removed from the body. But by
designing a porous silicon chip with miniature wells similar to those in
muffin tins, the UCSD researchers were able to mimic the extracellular
matrix of the liver and keep the liver cells alive. On this chip, individual
cells are contained within well-like structures, 2 to 1,500 nanometres in
diameter, or no wider than a human hair, that promote the flow of nutrients
and chemicals through the cell culture and filter out larger particles such
as bacteria and viruses. This design effectively persuades the cells to
behave collectively the way they do in a fully functioning liver. The
scientists write in their paper that in their experiments the Smart Petri
Dish was able to detect changes in the cells exposed to toxins “before
traditional assays are able to detect a decrease in viability, demonstrating
the potential of the technique as a complementary tool for cell viability
studies.” In addition, they add, their method “is noninvasive and can be
performed in real time, representing a significant advantage compared to
other techniques for in vitro monitoring of cell morphology,” that is, for
monitoring cells in the laboratory, outside of humans or animals.
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